spark infinite firestarter
Smokeless Start to Every Fire
With just ten ounces of alcohol this firestarter gets nearly any fire blazing. Skip the hassle and smoke. Get Spark.
The easiest fire you've ever started
Infinitely reusable. Surprisingly simple. No more wadding up paper or blowing on kindling.
Evolving the Art of Firestarting
Sure, you can bang rocks together or burn fingers with lighters. But we humbly suggest a smarter approach.

Tell me more...
We got you.
It runs on alcohol?
Yep! Simple as that. And ya we tried just dowsing wood in alcohol and lighting it. Not ideal. It flares up dangerously because the fumes spread over a huge area. This also uses up a lot of the potential energy in the alcohol. Spark instead focuses that energy into three troughs, containing and maximizing burn time while equally spreading the flame.
Why stainless steel?
We tried several materials. 304 stainless was the clear winner for longevity, heat resistance, and general ability to take the abuse. Got a log to drop on top of Spark? Go for it, you won't hurt it.
Why that shape?
Good question and we tried several! The arc gives the most stable form factor over varying surfaces while allowing air flow and meaning you don't need a perfectly cleared place to put it.
How does this help my life?
If you don't build fires, it won't. Sad face. But if you have a fire pit in your yard, a fireplace in your home, or you camp a lot, then you know how annoying starting a fire can be. We're not saying it's the only way. We've just found it to be the most consistent way to get the fire going quickly with minimal smoke, no matter the wood available.
Will my spouse lose respect for me?
Yes. But only at first. Then you will find their admiration grow at your brilliant yet humble decision making.
How does it work?
Put Spark wherever you want to build a fire. It can live in your smokeless fire pit. It can live in your fireplace in your home. It can travel with you in an rv or while car camping. Then fill it with alcohol, we use rubbing alcohol. Then build logs on top. Then use a long-handled lighter to light it. There you go. Fire. Accomplished.
When you say it lives there...
If you have a firepit in the backyard, we suggest that Spark just lives in the bottom. All the time. Trust us, that's where he's happiest. When you have another fire just dump out any ashes and start the process all over. No need to store Spark anywhere else. And rain? Yep, that's one of the reasons for the stainless steel. He can take it!
We tested it. A lot.
Find more on our social, but this sped-up video is kinda incredible